Sunday, July 29, 2007

Cash Games @ Canberra Casino


Well i'm meant to be at work "working" so cant stay for long. However i will let you know that my brother and i played at the casino in our first live cash games, on the $200 table. We arrived at the casino at around 10pm and got on the waiting list for the tables, by the time we were seated it was 1am. We played for around an hour and a half and to put it lightly we killed it.

-I had pocket 2's flop into trips... payed me $180
-Biggest hand for me was i limped in with 5-3 off suit... and the flop was 10-5-3 with 4 callers turn and river was 5-A... i had a full house and got payed $300 dollars.

At the end of the night my brother and i added up our combined winnings for $900 clean profit, on that note i will be coming back...!

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